The Research Excellence Awards Ceremony – 2023, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
- December 31, 2023
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“Appraising the outstanding performance of RUSL Researchers.”
At Golden Mango Village in Anuradhapura, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka organized the Research Excellence Awards Ceremony 2023 on December 19, 2023, in conjunction with the ICEN 2023 Networking Dinner. The awards ceremony, which attempts to recognize, honor, encourage, and reward the excellent academic staff members of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in research, innovation, and scholarly works, is the main event.
In 2023, a ceremony celebrating research achievement was organized for the third time with the aim of recognizing scholars and igniting interest in new academic endeavors. Ven. Eethalawetunuwewe Gnanathilaka Thero, Chancellor, and Prof. G.A.S. Ginigaddara, Vice-Chancellor, RUSL, attended as guests of honor. Mr. Nihal Ranasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Education, was the Chief Guest.
The esteemed Golden Award was given to Prof. Anjana Silva of the Faculty of Medicine & Allied Sciences once in a lifetime. Prof. W. A. N. D. Wickramasinghe (Faculty of Medicine & Allied Sciences) and Dr. Y. P. J. N. Warnasekara (Faculty of Medicine & Allied Sciences) received the Most Outstanding Senior Researcher and Young Researcher awards, respectively.
Researchers’ gratitude according to the UGC Circular – 05/2028 and the Hirsch Index (h-index) Tier 4* : Professors M. H. J. P. Gunarathna, L. Senarathna, C. A. Thotawatthage, Prof. Anjana Silva, Prof. Kosala Weerakoon, W. A. N. D. Wickramasinghe, Manjula Ranagalage, Prof. S. K. Naradda Gamage, Dr. D. M. S. L. B. Dissanayake, Dr. Prasad Jayasooriya, and Dr. I. M. N. Molagoda were among the eleven researchers from five faculties that were honored.
The University Research and Award Committee organized this Research Excellence Awards Ceremony 2023. There is more information available